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Maj vlastné webové stránky!https://www.weblahko.skMať svoje vlastné webové stránky nebolo nikdy jednoduchšie. S WebĽahko ich môžete mať aj Vy.
Tvorba webových stránokhttps://blog.pageride.comSpoznajte výhody balíčka služieb Premium! Aktivujte si ho na 30 dní ZADARMO.
kuchyne na mieru Žilinahttps://www.kuchynenamieru.euVýroba kuchynských liniek a nábytku na mieru v modernom aj klasickom prevedení.Stolárstvo Žilina


On 31.10-04.11.2022 we had the pleasure to be a part of the Youth Exchange "INTE-LOCAL-GRATE" organised in Šaľa, Slovakia by V-Kings. In total, 5 countries participated in the event - Slovakia, Poland, Italy, Hungary, and Albania.

The main mission of the mobility was to create a strong connection between local and international students in the countries of their studies as well as between the partner countries, but also to have the opportunity to get to know other cultures through multicultural events and talk about our own culture without stereotypes and judgements. Moreover, some good practices of integration, based on our experience, were shared.

Participants, back home, came up together with ideas of integration which were implemented in the local communities. Many of them wrote short recaps about the youth exchange, but some of them actually created real products, which were: a movie, henna workshops, language exchanges, etc.

Thank you all once again for active participation and eagerness to share ideas.